Featured Paper
SCI: Wang, Zhanzhu., Shen, Maoting., Huang, Yongming*. Combining Eye-Tracking Technology and Subjective Evaluation to Determine Building Facade Color Combinations and Visual Quality. Applied Science | https://doi.org/10.3390/app14188227 [donwload]

Architectural colors significantly influence urban culture, city imagery, regional vitality, and residential experiences. Previous studies have demonstrated that appropriate architectural colors can enhance urban vitality, but research on multicolored buildings remains limited. This study examines the relationship between hue, color variations, and visual quality by cross-verifying eye-tracking physiological indicators with subjective assessments. Using digital models of old residential buildings in Shanghai’s Yangpu District, different color combinations were applied to explore real-world architectural color impacts. Results show that blue and green combinations reduce visual pressure and create a calming space, while purple combinations were rated highly in both visual perception and subjective evaluations. Brightness differences notably influenced visual quality more than hue differences. However, larger hue variations, when paired with suitable brightness and saturation contrasts, also achieved better visual evaluations. This study fills a research gap by providing mathematical support for color combinations in architectural design, improving visual comfort and enhancing urban vitality.
Peer-reviewed Articles
6. SCI: Cai, Yuxuana+., Huang, Yongmingb+., Chen, Anzhi., Yang, Zhuohao., Chen, Mingze,. Wen, Yuhan., Yang, Qiuyi., Li, Xiaowei*. Subjective Perception or the Physical Environment: Which Matters More for Public Area Visitation Thresholds Across Different COVID-19 Pandemic Stages? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (Review Complete)
5. SCI: Wang, Zhanzhu., Shen, Maoting., Huang, Yongming*.Combining Eye-Tracking Technology and Subjective Evaluation to Determine Building Facade Color Combinations and Visual Quality. Applied Sciences | https://doi.org/10.3390/app14188227 [donwload]
4. SCI: Huang, Yongming., Du, jiani., Chen, Mingze*., Lin Yuxuan., Huang Shaopo., Cai, Yuxuan. Assessing the spatial-temporal impact of urban nature on urban vitality in Vancouver: A social media and GPS data approach. Land Use Policy (Under Review)
3. SCI: Wang, Zhanzhu., Shen, Maoting., Huang, Yongming*. Exploring the Impact of Facade Color Elements on Visual Comfort in Old Residential Buildings in Shanghai: Insights from Eye-Tracking Technology. Buildings | https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14061758 [donwload]
2. SCI: Chen, Mingze*., Huang, Yongming., Zhen, Yuqiao., Du, jiani. Defining urban vitality using image-based, text-based, and GPS data. Nature cities (Under Review)
1. SCI: Huang, Yongming., Chen, Mingze*. Multi-Scale Street Vitality Analytics: A Comprehensive Review of Technologies, Data, and Applications. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (Under Review)
Reviewer of Journal Manuscripts
Sustainable Cities and Society | Plos one | Heritage Science
3. Chen, Mingze., Huang, Yongming*., Zheng, Yuqiao., Du, Jiani. Defining Urban Vitality Using Text-based, Image-based, and GPS Data | 2024 ACSP (Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
2. Chen, Mingze., Huang, Yongming*., Zheng, Yuqiao., Du, Jiani. Evaluating Urban Vitality with Big Data across 10 Global Cities | 2024 IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
1. Chen, Mingze., Huang, Yongming*., Zheng, Yuqiao., Du, Jiani. Evaluating Urban Vitality with Big Data: Insights from Social Media and GPS Data across 10 Global Cities | 2024 EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association) Conference Abstract (Accepted)