Critical issue is maintaining a sense of tranquility while ensuring the space retains sufficient vitality. To address this, I used virtual boundaries to create a visual separation effect. Virtual boundaries do not entirely block visibility but instead establish a subtle sense of division, making people aware of the boundaries without feeling completely isolated. This design technique maintains spatial fluidity while ensuring an appropriate level of social distancing.
Yongming Huang
Download my CVYongming Huang is a Ph.D. student at the Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University, specializing in the Landscape Course (Landscape Architecture). He is also one of the founders of Nature AI Lab, where he serves as both a Researcher and the Head of Coordination. His research focuses on the interdisciplinary application of big data and machine learning technologies in urban vitality analysis—particularly addressing environmental justice and macro-/micro-scale urban vibrancy through quantitative studies employing various advanced methods. He holds a Master of Architecture and Environmental Design (Urban and Architecture) from Kyoto University of the Arts, and a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Design (Architecture) from the College of Communication and Art Design at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST). His recent work was accepted for presentation at the abstract sessions of ACSP, EDRA 2024, and IFLA 2024. Yongming’s research interests include human–environment interaction and well-being, urban vitality, and environmental justice.

Main Research Themes
Space quality and vitality
The interdisciplinary application of big data and machine learning technologies to analyze the association between built environment and street vitality.
Spatial morphology and human activity patterns
The study of spatial morphology and human activity patterns reveals how various architectural and urban forms influence interactions and behaviors with space.
Human-nature Interaction and Wellbeing
Exploring the dynamic relationships between humans and urban natural environments to enhance mental and physical health.Exploring the dynamic relationships between humans and urban natural environments to enhance mental and physical health.
As human society expands, our living spaces gradually encroach on the habitats of natural wildlife, leading to an increasing number of conflicts between humans and animals. Humans have become less tolerant of other species entering their domains, and even contact between people has diminished. Recently, there has been a growing indifference towards urban public spaces.
Both on campuses and in society at large, many spaces remain abandoned for long periods. The transition from vacating a space to establishing a new function can take months or even years, involving factors such as design, timelines, funding, and project approval. During this time, is there a way to reduce the inconvenience and disruption caused to the surrounding areas due to the lack of functionality? My answer is temporary buildings.
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My team is looking for part-time researchers interested in using cutting-edge landscape and urban planning technologies. Graduate or senior undergraduate students with backgrounds in related or interdisciplinary disciplines are welcome to join us. Currently, We are working on the projects: Research Title: Monitoring and Understanding Human-Environment Interaction in Urban Green Spaces Research Topic: This study […]
Qualifications: This position is open to advanced undergraduate or graduate students with a background in urban forestry, urban planning, landscape architecture, computer science, or related fields. Desired qualifications include: – Passion for urban green space planning/urban design and state-of-the-art technologies – Experience with Python programming (computer vision) – Enjoys hands-on and practical work – Able […]

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Disaster Relief Housing Made of Paper
August 5, 2023
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A Warm Home
July 16, 2020
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